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Spoiler: It's time to pay your CMRA dues.

"I stand in the valley, where the river winds, 												And look to the mountain’s icy crest,													The snow on the peaks, in the coldest light, 														Reveals the land I love the best."																	 COLORADO by Mary Hallock Foote
"I stand in the valley, where the river winds, And look to the mountain’s icy crest, The snow on the peaks, in the coldest light, Reveals the land I love the best." COLORADO by Mary Hallock Foote

2025 Dues are due

Annual dues payments must be postmarked NO LATER THAN MARCH  1, 2025 to avoid a $25 per month late fee.  Annual dues payments postmarked on or before February 1, 2025 will be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card at the 2025 Annual Meeting.  Please save the date for the CMRA Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 17, 2025.


Update on CMRA Firewise Certification

We wanted to share some great news with you and provide you with guidance on how to make your property more Firewise.

The good news is that, thanks to everyone’s fire mitigation efforts reported to Dave Herder, we have received our Firewise Certification again for 2024-2025. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible, and especially to Dave Herder for coordinating the effort and filing our report.

You’re probably wondering how the Firewise Certification relates to our Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), that was renewed for 2023 through 2027. The Firewise Certification must be renewed every year, and include a 3-year action plan, while the CWPP is a 5-year action plan. Think of Firewise as the annual fire mitigation activities that help achieve our multi-year CWPP action plan.

Focusing on 2025, our main goal is for property owners to have a Home Ignition Zone Assessment (HIZA) completed this year, utilizing the Wildfire Partner Ambassadors (Dave Herder, Sherry Christian, and Daniel Fithian) in Cherokee Meadows and from the Livermore Fire Protection District. These action plans will hopefully be aided by the allocation of funds from the Community Wildfire Defense Grant we presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting.

The HIZA will help identify areas where homeowners can concentrate their efforts in support of Action Plan 1  from the CWPP: Risk Mitigation and Home Hardening using the Home Ignition Zone. This assessment will also help determine where grant money may be best used for Home hardening efforts. We may be able to start more work on Roadside Fuels and Evacuation with grant funding at the end of 2025. 

It is important to our entire community that everyone participates in fire mitigation activities on their property, even if there are no structures on it. If even one property isn’t Firewise, it jeopardizes the rest of CMRA.


Dave, Sherry, and Daniel are available and trained to do home ignition zone assessments for CMRA. Assessments take an hour, and they try hard to keep them no longer than that. If you are interested (and we hope you are!) you can leave a message on the LFPD Station 2 phone: 970-484-9102 or email Dave Herder at to schedule an assessment.  

Thanks in advance for your work to keep CMRA Firewise!

We hope everyone is having a very happy and healthy start to their new year! Stay warm!


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